The elegant Silver Brakel chickens

The Silver Brakel (Brakel hen) is a versatile chicken that adapts well to different living conditions. They feel at home in both large gardens and smaller spaces. In addition, they are excellent layers of large, white eggs. The Golden Crake chicken, with its similar characteristics, is also an excellent choice for any chicken keeper. At De Meidoornhoeve, we are happy to share our knowledge about the care and behavior of these special chickens.

Sierkippen Rits -Zilverbrakel

Origin of the Silver Brakel Chickens.

The Zilverbrakel chicken, also known as Brakel hen, is a graceful and historic breed of chicken that originated in Belgium. This breed has a rich history dating back to the Middle Ages. The Silver pretzel is known for its striking plumage and excellent egg production, making it a favorite among chicken lovers. In addition to the Silver pretzel, there is also the Gold pretzel, another beautiful variety of this breed.

Characteristics of the Silver Brakel

The Silver Brakel chicken is easily recognized by its beautiful plumage. They have a bright silver-white body color with striking black markings on their neck, back and tail. This contrast creates a particularly elegant and striking appearance. In addition to their aesthetic appeal, Silver pretzel chickens are also very good layers, regularly producing large white eggs.

The Silver Brakel chicken is a medium-sized breed with a sturdy and upright posture. Their wings are well developed and their legs are strong, contributing to their active and lively nature. These chickens are real eye-catchers in any chicken coop. The Gold-breasted chicken has a similar appearance, but with a beautiful golden color instead of silver.

Health and care

Silver Brakel chickens are generally robust and healthy. They have a strong constitution and are quite resistant to different weather conditions. It is important to keep their habitat clean and dry to ensure their health. At De Meidoornhoeve, we make sure that our Silver pretzel chickens receive the best care and nutrition to keep them in optimal condition. This also applies to our Gold Pretzel chickens, which receive the same high-quality care.

Origins and history

The Silverbrakel chicken was developed in the Belgian region of Brakel in East Flanders. Historical documents and paintings from the Middle Ages already show depictions of these chickens, indicating that they have long been valued. The breed was originally bred by farmers who were looking for a chicken that both laid beautiful eggs and withstood the local climates well.

In the 19th century, the Silver Brakel was further refined and standardized. Thanks to the efforts of Belgian poultry breeders, the breed was officially recognized and presented at exhibitions, which contributed to the growing popularity of the Silver Brakel chicken. The Gold Brakel, a closely related variety with golden plumage, was developed around the same time and shares many of the same traits as the Silver Brakel.

Friendly and active character

Silver Brakel chickens are known for their friendly and social nature. They are active and love to scavenge and explore their surroundings. Their curious nature makes them fun to watch and interact with. These chickens are tame and easy to handle, making them suitable for both novice and experienced chicken keepers. The Golden-breasted chicken shares these traits and is equally loved for its lively personality.

More about the Silver Brakel

The Silver Brakel is a versatile chicken that adapts well to different living conditions. They feel at home in both large gardens and smaller spaces. In addition, they are excellent layers of large, white eggs.