The imposing Wyandotte Grouse

The Wyandotte Grouse is a versatile chicken that easily adapts to different living conditions. They feel at home in both large yards and smaller spaces. In addition, they are excellent layers of medium-sized, brown eggs. At De Meidoornhoeve, we are happy to share our knowledge about the care and behavior of these special chickens.

Wyandotte groothoender

Origin of the Wyandotte Grouse

The Wyandotte Grouse is an impressive and versatile breed of chicken that originated in the United States. This breed was developed in the late 19th century and is named after the Wyandot Indian tribe. Wyandotte Grouse chickens are known for their robust build, beautiful plumage and excellent egg production, making them a popular breed among hobbyists and commercial breeders alike. While the common Wyandotte is also popular, there are some distinct differences between the two varieties.

Characteristics of the Wyandotte Grouse

Wyandotte Grouse are easily recognized by their robust build and beautiful plumage. They have a broad, deep breast and a full, round body, giving them an imposing appearance. Their feathers are dense and well-connected, and they come in a variety of colors and patterns, including silver gelaced, gold gelaced, black, white and blue. These color combinations make the Wyandotte Grouse a real eye-catcher in any chicken coop.

Friendly and social character

Wyandotte Grouse have a friendly and sociable nature. They are tame, calm and easy to handle, making them ideal for families and novice chicken keepers. These chickens are active and love to scavenge and explore their surroundings. Their lively nature makes them an enjoyable addition to any chicken coop.

Health and care

Wyandotte Grouse are generally robust and healthy. They have a strong constitution and can withstand various weather conditions well. Their dense plumage provides excellent protection against cold, while they thrive in warm climates with adequate shade and water. At De Meidoornhoeve, we ensure that our Wyandotte Grouse are given the best care and nutrition to ensure their health and well-being.

Origin and development

The development of the Wyandotte Grouse began in New York in the 1870s. American breeders were looking for a chicken that was both beautiful and productive. By crossing several breeds, including the Brahma, Cochin and Sebright, they created a chicken with excellent egg production and impressive appearance. The result was the Wyandotte Grouse, which was first exhibited in 1883 and quickly gained popularity.

The Wyandotte Grouse was officially recognized by the American Poultry Association in 1888. This breed became popular not only in the United States, but also in Europe, where it quickly became a favorite among chicken lovers because of its versatility and reliability.

Differences from the common Wyandotte

The main differences between the Wyandotte Grouse and the common Wyandotte lie in their size and weight. As the name suggests, the Grouse variant is considerably larger and heavier than the common Wyandotte. This size difference makes the Grouse more suitable for meat production, while both varieties make excellent layers. In addition, the Grouse is known for its robustness and ability to adapt to different climates, something the regular Wyandotte also excels at, but the Grouse is even slightly better at.

Wyandotte Groothoender kippen bij De Meidoornhoeve

Our animals are kept in optimal conditions and receive high-quality nutrition, so they maintain their unique beauty and friendly character. Visit us and discover for yourself the charm of Wyandotte Grouse chickens. Be surprised by their impressive appearance and lively nature.